Jade is said to have fallen from heaven, and jade disc pendants are said to be a link to heaven. The jade Pi disc pendant is one of, if not the most popular jade jewelry items you will find in China, and a great blessing to the wearer.
Amazing Green Jade Chinese Donut Pendant
Introducing the luxurious jade Pi Disc pendant, a symbol of imperial power and prestige in ancient China. Carved from the…
Ancient Chinese Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Pi disc is a relic of ancient Chinese culture. People in the past created it as a bridge connecting the…
Angelic Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Introducing the heavenly jade pi disc pendant, a symbol of purity and beauty. Carved from the finest light green jade,…
Attractive Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Peace
Introducing the serene jade pi disc pendant, a symbol of tranquility and balance. Carved from the finest green jade, this…
Balanced Emotions Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Introducing our stunning green jade Chinese Pi Disc pendant. This unique and elegant piece is not just a fashion statement…
Blessings Chinese Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Introducing our exquisite Chinese green jade Pi disc pendant. This stunning piece is not just a fashion accessory but a…
Blessings Chinese Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Introducing our one of a kind, blessings Chinese jade Pi disc pendant. This beautiful piece not only serves as a…
Blessings Everyday White Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant
You receive blessings everyday wearing this charming pendant of the extremely lucky jade pi disc. …
Blessings from Heaven Chinese Jade Pi Disc Pendant
The simple-looking blessings from heaven Chinese jade Pi disc pendant has got deep meanings behind it. Chinese in the past…
Carved Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Recovery
Introducing our stunning round jade disc pendant, a classic and elegant piece of jewelry that will elevate any outfit. Carved…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant for Leader
Introducing our exclusive lucky jade pendant, the perfect accessory for the powerful leader in you. This unique piece of jewelry…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Blessings
The round jade disc with a hole carved in the middle is one of the most common jade carving. Pi…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Dreams
This authentic Chinese jade Pi disc pendant is a timeless piece of jewelry steeped in history and tradition. This elegant…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Everlasting Life
Glorious is the carved jade pi disc pendant of everlasting life. Symbolizing eternity, the continuous circle on this pendant represents…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Love
The Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Love, sometimes called a circle or donut pendant, is beautiful. This pendant is…
Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Luck
Radiant is the round jade disc with a hole carved in the middle, one of the most classic jade pi…
Chinese Bluish Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant
The Chinese bluish-green jade pi disc pendant is elegant and has a gorgeous color that goes with any outfit.…
Chinese Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Fertility
The jade pi disc pendant, which represents fertility and the promise of a contented family, is exquisite. This pendant is…
Chinese Carved Jade Pi Disc Pendant of Positive Attitude
Charming is the Chinese jade pi disc pendant, a symbol of positivity and resilience. It is believed that wearing this…
Chinese Deep Love Green Jade Pi Disc Pendant
Lovers in China like exchanging jade jewelry with each other. This gemstone looks wonderful, strong and hard, a very good…